8,000 Tons & Counting!
We’re delighted to announce that we have reached another diversion milestone: 8000 tons! It’s a little hard to imagine that amount of food scraps, isn’t it?
In the first six months that Erlene was hauling buckets of food scraps in her Toyota Camry, she averaged about 77 pounds a week. This week our crew hauled 50,000 pounds!
Because tons are kind of hard to visualize, we used this nifty calculator to try to help you understand how very much that is. It’s about 3/10ths as heavy as the Statue of Liberty, and equivalent in weight to 70 blue whales, 158 million golf balls or 6.6 billion jelly beans.
We are so grateful to our composting community and our hardworking crew and staff. This last 1000 tons took us 11 months to accomplish. Let’s see if we can’t make it to 9000 tons sooner than that. On your mark, get set, divert!