Composting in Skokie

Homes, businesses, multi-unit buildings, schools, faith communities, and all properties in Skokie can participate in these programs.

Helping you combat climate change by making composting easy in Skokie.

We’ve been serving our Skokie community for 13 years.

We’ve earned a reputation of excellent customer service.

We work out of a Skokie home base and have been recognized as a Skokie Green Business.

Read the How It Works section below if you’re totally new to our customized, container-swap composting service.

  • that can be easily integrated into homes, businesses and institutions.

  • are customized to your needs with either 5-gallon buckets or 32-gallon totes swapped out weekly, biweekly or every four weeks.

  • hold 32 gallons and can be used communally in neighborhoods, multi-unit buildings or for customers that produce a higher volume of organic waste.

  • can have as many collection containers and swapouts per week as needed to meet your food scrap collection needs. High-volume tote service includes discounts.

  • apply to every additional container.

  • of all sizes are possible with our composting containers and expert staffing to guide your guests in sorting all waste streams. Learn more.

Not a resident of Skokie? Try one of the other areas we service:

Flexible Service Options

Discounts are available for additional containers. Click here to see rates for multiple totes.

ℹ️ Replacement fees for lost containers are $10 for 5-gallon buckets, and $50 for 32-gallon totes.

How it works

  • the custom service plan that makes composting easiest for you.

  • the size and number of containers you need and send e-mail communications about swapout dates, holiday schedules and informative blog postings.

  • with food scraps and CMA-W certified compostable products and put it outside for swapout, wherever it’s easiest for you.

  • for an empty, washed container if there’s a full one to swap out.

  • and divert your food scraps happily ever after.

Compost Communally with Neighbor Totes™

Looking for a shared composting solution? Get a tote instead of a bucket!

Each 32-gallon tote accommodates food scraps for 20-30 people in a week.

It works the same way as the residential compost bucket swap, only in this case you share a bigger container with your neighbors or community.

History with Skokie

We began renting our current garage in Skokie in 2017. Our franchise agreement with the Village of Skokie began in January 2020. We’ve had a presence over the years at the Skokie Farmers Market. We’ve helped to reduce the environmental impact of The Backlot Bash since our agreement began. We host our annual Spring Finished Compost Gift-Back at The Talking Farm in Skokie. We’re happy to be helping Skokie to meet its waste management goals set in their 2022 Environmental Sustainability Plan.  In 2023, we purchased a second garage in Skokie to expand our container-washing facility.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • All food scraps and certified compostable products can be put in your container. See our What to Compost page for guidance.

  • Yes! Skokie residents can opt out of the community program and pay a little more to have more flexible service options. Read more about premium residential service.

  • You want an easy, actionable way to combat climate change and make a positive difference in your loved ones’ futures. Diverting your food scraps from a landfill through composting both reduces the amount of methane your household is responsible for producing and recovers resources to enable the nutrients present in your food waste to become a natural fertilizer to regenerate our soil.

  • Our 5-gallon buckets have lids that seal tightly. Our 32-gallon totes are bagged and also have a lid. When the containers are closed, they do not smell. As it gets closer to your pickup day, you may notice that the contents smell when you open it. The odor dissipates soon after you’ve closed it up. If keeping your bucket or tote outside is an option, that would help. Some customers freeze some of their food scraps and place them in our collection containers on the swap-out day. Here are some ideas on how to set up compost collection in your kitchen. You may also see our blog post about managing your compost collection during the summer for additional tips and tricks.

  • Each spring, we offer 10 free gallons of finished compost to our customers at what we’ve named our Spring Finished Compost Gift-Back. We offer several different days for customers to bring their own containers, collect their compost, and have the opportunity to purchase more if they need more. We partner with our colleagues in the local composting and farming community to provide this gift for our customers. Learn more about finished compost gift-back.